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I Want to Join
You do not need to join a church officially to attend or be part of a church. However, membership is a meaningful way to indicate your commitment to this particular group of people who, together, strive to be the body of Christ in Salem. We are all different, and we do not all believe in the same way, but we all have responded positively to Christ's invitation to "follow me".

The disciples did not know much about the way of Christ when they first began to follow, and so we do not have an extended class required for membership. We begin with your "yes" and then learn together along the way. That is why we try to offer a class on the reformed faith and other aspects of church life frequently for all those interested.

There are no requirements or dues for membership. However, a member is asked to commit, as best as they can, to the ministry of the church with their time, talents, and/or financial support. Members also enjoy the privilege of voting in elections of officers and other congregational votes. You also must be a member to serve as an Elder or Deacon.

If you are interested in membership then please fill out the form below. The pastor or someone from the outreach committee will then schedule a time to meet with you to talk further.

Thanks for submitting!

Westminster Presbyterian
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3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302



The church office is open Monday-Thursday 10 AM-2 PM
If you need assistance outside of these hours, please schedule an appointment. 

© 2023 by Westminster Presbyterian Church 

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