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Westminster is exploring becoming a Matthew 25 congregation of the PCUSA. 



Check out what some churches have done. 


Supplemental materials


Seven Marks of Vital Congregations


Congregational Vitality Survey


Neighborhood Analysis


Reflection Questions


1. What are you curious about?

2. What from the videos, this morning’s sermon, or available articles resonates with you? Is there anywhere you’d like to push back?

3. How does this issue play out or apply to our church situated in our neighborhood situated in our city?

4. How is Westminster already doing work in this area?

5. What dreams do you have for Westminster to do work in this area? Or what might it look like for Westminster to do more work in this area?

6. What concerns or questions do you have about the Matthew 25 initiative, particularly regarding the pillar we’re talking about tonight?





Reflection Questions


1. What are you curious about?

2. What from the videos, this morning’s sermon, or available articles resonates with you? Is there anywhere you’d like to push back?

3. How does this issue play out or apply to our church situated in our neighborhood situated in our city?

4. How is Westminster already doing work in this area?

5. What dreams do you have for Westminster to do work in this area? Or what might it look like for Westminster to do more work in this area?

6. What concerns or questions do you have about the Matthew 25 initiative, particularly regarding the pillar we’re talking about tonight?





Check out what some churches have done.


Reflection Questions


1. What are you curious about?

2. What from the videos, this morning’s sermon, or available articles resonates with you? Is there anywhere you’d like to push back?

3. How does this issue play out or apply to our church situated in our neighborhood situated in our city?

4. How is Westminster already doing work in this area?

5. What dreams do you have for Westminster to do work in this area? Or what might it look like for Westminster to do more work in this area?

6. What concerns or questions do you have about the Matthew 25 initiative, particularly regarding the pillar we’re talking about tonight?




Westminster Presbyterian
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3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302



The church office is open Monday-Thursday 10 AM-2 PM
If you need assistance outside of these hours, please schedule an appointment. 

© 2023 by Westminster Presbyterian Church 

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