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We work individually and collectively to care for our beautiful planet. Passively, we sequester carbon simply by leaving our suburban church property largely forested with space for native plants and a variety of wildlife. We are currently working toward becoming habitat certified by eradicating invasive species, planting natives to prevent erosion, and adding owl, bird, and bat boxes to our wooded areas. Our building & grounds committee also actively works on projects that provide climate-friendly solutions. To learn more about PCUSA initiatives, including responsible investment opportunities, click here.

The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Opportunities and Information:

  1. You can read more about (international climate change ) COP28 on the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s Eco-Journey Blog here:

  2. Guided by the Matthew 25 vision, World Mission seeks to come alongside our partners and nurture faith-filled relationships based in equity, mutuality and justice rooted in God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus. 

  3. The Office of Public Witness staff members visit national policy-makers and their staff, write letters, make phone calls and occasionally testify before Congress or facilitate the testimony of church leaders. This involvement helps to clarify the moral and ethical issues at stake in public policy. The goal is to make clear to people in government what Presbyterians are concerned about, why, and what can be done to respond to those concerns. You can visit to see the latest action alerts that need your voice to shape domestic and international policy.

  4. You can sign up for regular e-news updates on a variety of justice and peace issues  from various PC(USA) ministry offices here:

  5. Presbyterians for Earth Care is a grassroots eco-justice network that works in partnership with the Presbyterian Mission Agency to care for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring Presbyterians to make creation care a central concern of the church. Learn more about the network and sign up for their e-news here:

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The Green Lectionary Podcast is Now Live!


The Green Lectionary podcast, a conversation on scripture through the lens of creation justice, has launched. We have invited scholars, activists and preachers to join the CJM staff in discussing how we might preach well known passages with an eye towards caring for all that God has made. 



Ever wonder if the Bible has anything relevant to say about our modern climate crisis? Check out this short article from Salt Project, which takes you from Genesis to Revelation asking this question.

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3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302


The church office is open Monday-Thursday 10 AM-2 PM
If you need assistance outside of these hours, please schedule an appointment. 

© 2023 by Westminster Presbyterian Church 

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